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Monday, November 7, 2011

10:14 PM

Sunday, January 17, 2010
Gosh, it's been a million yers since I updated this dead blog of mine. Who cares anyways? No one's going to read it. Lala. This is just the place I rant my troubles. Yay. So school's started and gosh it's already getting hectic. Done with on thing I wasn't looking forward to though, the Peer Lite refresher course. Now all I have left to do as a senior peer lite is helping my juniors ( : Oh i'm class monitor too, whoop ti doo. Gosh all the forms that has to be collected is madness. Esp when everyone keeps saying the forgot to sign it. Captain of the netball team has been chosen, goes to our beloved Oh Jia Min and Vice Captains are Myself and Rachel Leong. Gosh the team cried on that very day we found the main 12. Saddening but Esmer, you'll always be part of the team ( : No matter what, we would not have gone this far without your support and effort, I love you to bits and I know the rest of the team do too.
I'm giving up my computer on weekdays now, so bonvoyage. I'm doing 60 sit ups and one minute everyday before I bathe as well. Twice or three times everyday. I'm determined to loose some fats, gosh.
"Believe it, have faith in it, visualise it."
Everything is possible with God and the church finally got it's building! Yay! Can't wait to find out the exact location. - Okay shagged and lazy to continue, ciaos.
PS: I love KEY :D

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10:56 PM

Sunday, December 6, 2009
When all I want to do is shout out and scream, "I LOVE YOU"
Gosh I think i'm going mad. Oh I also think i'm too nice sometimes. Gosh what is wrong with you Naomi? Well tomorrow will be going for traning and than heading down to Pasir Ris for Taekwondo camp. Break camp on wednesday and than back for traning on Thursday. Saturday is finally coming! Time to see my babies! ^^ Than off to Perth on Monday (: So somethings been stirring in my heart. And I want to let it all out, but I know if I do it's not going to end up the way I want it to. Seriously I think i'm too nice sometimes. Maybe I should stop being nice before I crack, Uh huh.
When all I want to do is shout out and scream, "I LOVE YOU", I run away.
Oh yes! Finally in 2009 we'll be celebrating Christmas as a WHOLE family. Family of FIVE. Not Four not three but FIVE. Awesome ain't it? Okay maybe it ain't a big dela to you'll but it is to me (: We haven't celebrated Christmas together since like 5 years ago? Yea. So this is gonna be awesome. The year 2009 has truly been an awesome year. First Japan now this! Woohoo!
When all I want to do is shout out and scream, "I LOVE YOU", I keep it to myself.
So i'm crazy over this song called Replay by I-YAZ. I especially love the cover done by these 3 guys. When I get the time i'll put it up. It really is good. Their voices are just *melts* Awesome! Totally worth the listen (: Last night Andie and I were like recording a million and one songs. Haha it was really fun and crazy. We did, Ring Ding Dong, Replay-IYAZ, Replay-SHINee, Oasis, Into the new world, Chu and my english version of Wedding Dress! Just now we were dancing also to Chu, Again and Again and shit. Haha. Damn funny : P
When all I want to do is shout out and scream, "I LOVE YOU", I act like you're my best friend.
Dumb to have fallen
Dumb to have helped
Dumb to have seen
Dumb to have asked
Dumb to have thought
Dumb to have remembered
Dumb to have answered
Dumb to have kept
Dumb to have said
Dumb to have hit
Dumb to have sang
Dumb to have danced
Dumb to have confessed
Dumb to have noticed
So I guess that's it for now! Ciaos~

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9:15 PM

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
♥; When you just can't stop

When one gets bored of just being who he is (:

When I can't stop this feeling within me.
So went cycling today with Rachel, Jun Jie and Joelle. Gosh, my ass hurt like mad when we cycled from one end of ECP to the other. Gosh seriously it did hurt. Anyways, before that we ate at Swensens. Okay Leong and I did while they watched, and awesomely didn't close the cheese properly and I ended up pouring the whole jar into my bowl, WEE! -.- Gross to the max. After met Zhaomin as she wanted to pass us some gifts THANKS ZHAO! After headed down to ECP and rented some bikes. Gosh it was pretty funny seeing two boys getting on the double bike trying their best to cycle properly. Haha. After took a rest at the end and watched the sunset. Kinda. Leong and I totally regretted not bringing our cameras out! Grr. Talked a while there then headed back to the renting of bikes there. Gave them back and headed to Subway! Oh yea yummylicious man :D Took a few photos than headed to the bench at the beach there. Leong and I watched as the two kids played soccer in the dark. After a while we decided to join in and get the ball from them. Lmao. So then headed home and Joelle broke the glass bottle, AGAIN! Don't worry buddy! It'll always be in my mind ( : Now i'm home, clean and fresh! Haha. Going to sleep so soundly tonight. Shagged like mad. Going to wake up late too. HAHA. So goodnights and Ciaos people!

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10:22 PM

Sunday, November 29, 2009
♥; Wedding Dress
Did I tell you that I was addicted to Taeyang's Wedding dress? Uh huh. And so today i made an english cover. Attemped anyways. Only managed to do the chorus. So here it is!
Click here! >
20091129 202342.wav
Wedding Dress-Taeyang [Naomi's English Cover-Chorus]

Baby, please don't hold those hands that are not mine
Cause you should be with me
Look at me, i've been waiting all this time
As the music ends, you and him will be together forever
And everyday I pray oh that this day will never come
I see you walking down the aisle
See you walking down the aisle
Oh my heart is just hurting now
As I see you walking down the aisle.
Want them Credit Naomi@fa-dedmemories.bs !
Yupps that's all! Going to work on it more now. Ciaos!

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9:12 PM

Saturday, November 28, 2009
♥; When and If only
When everything seems to come to a stop;
When everything seems to be going wrong;
When life doesn't always end up the way you want it to;
When i'm hurt and you don't seem to care;
When you act oblivious to the way I feel towards you;
When I tell you I don't really care;
When the world seems to be ending;
When my heart seems to beat a million times faster;
When I forget everything else when I see you smile;
When I feel like crying as the days go by;
When all can think of is you;
When someone else calls me but my mind is only you;
When it comes down to me not trusting you anymore;
When you saying sorry feels like an everyday thing;
When texting seems to become a job;
When talking to you becomes a difficulty;
When the stars up in the sky seem to fade away;
When the clock strikes 12 at it's the end of the day.
If only you knew;
If only you could see;
If only I could tell you how I feel;
If only there was a way;
If only I could say;
If only you and I were left on this land;
If only you cared;
If only you shared, the times you feel like crying, i'm here;
If only there were no troubles in this world;
If only I could say, I love you.
Hey guys! I'm totally hooked onto Taeyang's solo, Wedding dress. It has such a nice meaning to it and it's just awesome. Taeyang is truly a very talented person. Check it out yo! I mean what can this guy NOT do?!

Taeyang-Wedding Dress

Some say it's not over till its over
Guess this is really over now
There's something I gotta say before I let you go

When you have a fight with him
Sometimes you cry
And feel sad and blue
I become hopeful
My heart aches secretly
Then just a hint of your smile
Can make feel fine again
To keep you from figuring out how I feel about you
Coz then we would drift apart
I hold my breath, bite my lips
Oh, please leave him and come to me

Baby, please dont take his hand
Coz you should be my lady
I've been waiting for you for so long
Please look at me now

When the music starts
You will vow to spend
The rest of your life with him
How I prayed every night
This day would never come

The wedding dress you're wearing
It's not me (next to you)
Oh, the wedding dress youre wearing, oh, no

You never knew how I felt about you
And I hated you so
Sometimes I wished you would be unhappy

Now I have no more tears left to cry
When Im by myself I talk to you like you're here
Ive felt so restless every night
Maybe Ive known all along this would happen
I close my eyes and dream an endless dream
Please leave him and come to me

Baby, dont take his hand when he comes to you
Coz you should be my lady
I've been waiting for you for so long
Look at me now

When the music starts
You will vow to spend
The rest of your life with him
How I prayed every night
This day would never come

The wedding dress you're wearing
It's not me (next to you)
Oh, the wedding dress youre wearing, oh, no

Please be happy with him
So that I can forget you
Please forget how miserable I looked
It's going to be unbearably hard for me
For a long while to come
Credits: iChRiSyOuNg@Youtube

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8:02 PM

Sunday, November 22, 2009
♥; Awesome

Rachel Leong; Babe don't be sad anymore aight'? You have us! Yes you know, the team as well as your friends in school and out! *wink wink* haha xD Don't think of the past. What is gone shall forever remain a memory you don't want to take out. Shove it out your life and stay happy! Cause when you're sad I am too ): And i know another is too ;)

Geoff Jun Jie!!!!! :D

Joelle Teng!! :D

You fall so hard you just can't get back up.
Yup, after church today headed down to PLaza SIngapura with Andrea. Did a little food shopping and then met up with Leong at the same time Sent andie off. After met up with the boys at the cathay. Bought our tickets and headed over to B&J. Gosh i learnt something so gross today! They polluted my innocent mind! Lols joking ~~ It's official, Jun Jie and Joelle are retards. Lols xD After headed for our movie, my girlfriend is an agent. It was defo hilarious. Catch it if you have not! It's worth it (: After headed back to PS and ate dinner at the foodcourt. After eating we actually stayed there for TWO whole hours. Doing what? Talking ;) Haha. Then after headed down to macs for ice cream. Sat there for a while and Zhaomin came along! I missed her man. haha. After headed home~~ Yea. That's all for today i guess. haha.
I've really fallen hard.

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9:48 PM

♥F A T E



♥Addiction:KIMKey ♥Missing:PARKJaebeom


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