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Tuesday, June 30, 2009
♥; Latest News
Latest news!! HAHAH. Kim--Nic's friend found out the one that waved at us! Its the one the only.. CHOI JONGHOON! I can die right now. NO way actually. LOLS. Still so many to see (: Lala. the more i see them the more i'm falling for Jonghoon. HEHE :D Sorry nicky imma steal him from you. HAHA XD
Ohhh damn.. i dont wanna go to school tml. Can i say i have the flu? Haizz.. and OH! I cant believe the damn fast rise in the H1N1 sia!! 600++ alrdy right? i bet its more again.. Gosh.. Dear Lord please heal these people and help us overcome this epidemic (:
Amen ♥♥


9:34 PM

♥; Clique <3
LOLS! For no reason at all i feel like laughing my shit out man. HAHA XD DAM JEALOUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS look at what some fans at the FTI concert took. LOOK AT THE PHOTOS DOODESSSS!!! Okay i cant load it. Darn. ANyways damn jealous to whoever took them can! SO FREAKING CLOSE!! BUT PEOPLE!! where's the minhwan love yo?! Like NO PICS OF MIN AT ALL DOODES! grr.. even fancams also dont have. ANDANDADN i saw like articles and vids of the boys at hotel and airport. walao. are sgean fans that mad? They followed them EVERYWHERE sia! BUT DAM LUCKY!! Lols. Anyways.. what happend today? HAHA! Clique went high, okay rather, Vicky, wynne and I. LOLS! Went DAMN high after break. Lols. kept singing and dancing. Then during SS stated using pencil case, calculator, books as "Handphones" to call one another. HAHA. then used file as "laptop" LMAO! Damn hilarious sia. We all cracked. I would love to show you th vid.. but then again i'm just gonna embarass myself like shit. cause i was in it most. HAHA. XD so nahhhh.. well thats it lazy blog alrdy. HAHA.


8:03 PM

Monday, June 29, 2009
♥; Just another day

Nic and me just before the Concert on the train.

Woah. First day of school today. For some reason it passed pretty quickly (: Hehe. went early i would say? Had to tell teacher go Japan and BLAHBLAHBLAH. so went to class and slacked. talked to people and told them about saturday and started spazzing.. YES AGAIN. hehe :D Okay anyways.. took temperature and stuff and well slacked again. Lols. okay so nothng much happened la. Train-ed back with sheriny hony on circle line and yea loh. Damn fast la. Lols. WOah. its like one more week till THE DAY. goshhh i feel so old? Lols. Okay la i going to TKD soon. Goshh running again i think. I keep forgetting to bring my shoes home! then must use damn old shoes. LOLS. i hope next week will be a great week cause i'm really anticipating alot this year! Its making me damn excited! hehe (: Well thats it for now guys.

Check out Wonder Girls-Nobody. Its the english version.



5:36 PM

Sunday, June 28, 2009
♥; FTI;24/7
Gosh! School starts tml! Sighs.. One month passes way to fast! Haiz. Anyways look on the bright side? get to see clique and netballers! booyah! hehe :D haven't seen them for ages! gosh. But all i keep thinking really of now is FTI. LOLS. i think it will be so for a while. After effect of an awesome concert/showcase? HAHA. i guess so. *shrugs* anyways. I got to go and sleep? WTh. mother la. Sighs. I CANT USE THE COMP ON WEEKDAYS NOW!!! SIghs.. but its for the better? Darn la.
Winglin-ers.. if i don't comment on fics BIANE! It's just i'm BANNED. Darn.. until friday.
well thatd it for now people!


9:59 PM

♥; Love

Song Seunghyun:Guitarist,rapper and vocalists. Aww isn't he cute? Haha.

Lee Hong Gi:Lead Vocalists. I found out his name is GI and not KI. LOLS. XD

CHOI MINHWAN! <3 Drummer. See all the photos of him damn unclear cause of the lighting.):

Choi Jonghoon:Guitarist and pianist. Love this photo. Its one of the best out of all. (:

Lee Jaejin: Bassist and vocalist. Another one of the better pics. Damn cute right? Haha.

CAN YOU SEE MINHWAN SMILING?! Yes! so cute!! awww.. i wanna squeze him man. Lols.


See that stupid sign? It was calling out to me, "take me and rip me in half" CAUSE IT WAS FREAKING BLOCKING OUR WAY LA! grrr...

The FULL stage. Its nice like that right? haha. From left to right: Lee Jaejin on bass, CHoi Minhwan on drums, Seunghyun with guitar, Lee hongki with mic, choi jonghoon guitar.

Another FULL stage (:
okay thats it for now. I kinda lazy to upload the rest. Facebook? Hehe (: another thing i loved about that day was the friends i made. HAHA. they damn cool and crazy like us! while waiting to go in to watch we were tlaking about other korean bands and started screaming. EVERYONE LOOKED AT US OKAY!! hahaha. but heck them. It entertained us. HEHE :D






5:06 PM

Saturday, June 27, 2009
♥; FTisland;27o6o9

It was the best day of my life EVER! For now anyways (: A few things i have affirmed today Haha!

FT island: Is total Love <3

Lee Hongki: Voice as good live and recorded. Seriously... He has one of the best voices EVER! and he's on freaking 19 dudes. He has one heck of a voice. Andandand!!!!! I saw him UP CLOSE!!! OMG like OMG la. okay whatever (: And supposedly he was the one that waved at us in the van BUT WE DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS HIM AND STUPIDLY THOUGHT IT WAS CREW AND LIKE DIDN'T REALLY WAVE BACK AND IT LOOKED LIKE HE LAUGHED AT US FOR DOING THAT. DOING WHAT? KINDA THINKING THAT WE DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS HIM! DO i make sense? Hahhaha. i don't think so. Aiya more tml.. totally shagg-ed

Song Seunghyun: OMG! He really is cute (: A very good replacement for Oh Wonbin. (though i totally love him) I realised today that this dude is FREAKING COOL!! AND CUTE!! Hahaha. Andrea's crazy over him right now. YES SERIOUSLY CRAZY.

Lee Jaejin: I realised today that Jaejin is also DARN CUTE! Haha. Seriously. GOSH thei english is just ADORABLE. And Jaejin Has a good voice! Such an honour to be one of the first countries to listen to him sing LIVE. I mean since Oh wonbin left ... sadly

Choi Jonghoon: I realised how to spell his name now. AND THE LETTER I GAVE WAS WRONG SPELLING!! ZOMG. anyways heck. Lols. His good looking LIVE man. Serioulsy. And his Guitar skills are love (: OHHHHHHH his english also damn cute. AIYA! all is la!!

CHOI MINHWAN!: I'm so bias sia. LOLS. o wells (: Through out like whole show i was screaming "MINHWAN!! SARANGHAE!!" And i lost my voice cause of that. HAHA. anyways.. what i realised about Minhwan today.. HE SHOULD GET THE SPOTLIGHT MORE!! Imma sue the people and write in to put his drums right smack in the middle (: He was at the back la! So dark somemore. darn. Anyways i saw HIM!! Argh!!! One of my wishes have come true now! Hehe (: MINHWAN so darn cute!

Okay the joke of the day or rather the CUTEST THING EVER!

Hongki: So what is your name?
Seunghyun: What is my name?
Hongki: Yea
Seunghyun: My name is.. What?

LOLS.. so cute right? aiya you must listen to them then you will undersatnd why cute. Their english is just totally Adorable. HAHA.

Hongki: Our next-te song-ge is.....

YES HE TOTALLY PRONOUNCED IT THAT WAY. Haha. cute right? Woah.. that 6 hours plus of waiting was totaly worth it. TOTALLY. More things about this tomorrow or idk when with photos and vids kay? ONCE I GET THE VID FROM NICOLE!!! OMGGGGGGGGG can see Minhwan damn clear on her cam. YAY! Hehe.

Okay so actually afte that went to Jie shu's bday at Night Safari (: More also tml la. I am damnnnnnnnnnn tired. Seriously. So... Ciaos? (:



11:59 PM

♥; Half hour to go
WOAH!!! I'm going to meet cousins in about alf hour now!! omg i am so excited man shit!!! arghhh!!! i was like watching some fancams on youtube. OMG. Singaporean fans are MAD. i guess since its the first time neh? But seriously man. SIAO. Like the boys need space ya know? LMao. anyways. i cant freaking wait right now!!! ALl i pray for now Lord is that we got good places to stand where i can actually see ALL their faces ESP MINHWANNNNNNNN!!!! Haha (: Lalallaal. i cant believe were gonna stand in the hot sun for so long. I guess were crazy to right? HAHA. o wells (: LaALA!Fish stix la seriously cant wait!!! *jumps up and down* Imma GG now! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Ciaos!


7:34 AM

Friday, June 26, 2009
♥; Class Reunion
Today went to catch Transformers 2 with primary schoolmates. First in the morn at about 11am met up with CHINGHAN!! Goshh.. havent seen her in ages! then we walk here walk there in PS. I bought FTI cds!!! YES!!! Gosh.. Jump Up and Colour Sensibility[part2] anyways.. hahaha. after that mac-ed a while with 70cents ice cream. Hehe (: then made our way back to serangoon to meet the others. Met up with, Jay, Ruven, Hsia woon, Jit Kai and Wuwen. On the bus saw Xin Ying! hahaha. so then we all made our way to Ehub. Bought tics to Transformers 2:30PM show. Gosh it was good man. Waited for Larry Khoo to come first then went in. I think Stacey came in after. Hhahha. check it out!!

It really was good (: hehe. anyways.. after that Felicia met up with us and then we walked around Ehub.. Jay went back then we all Lunch/Dinner-ed at KFC! hahaha. the girls were going mad snatching the coupons that Feli brought. HAHA. in the end this woman gave all of us one sheet. HAHA. okay so after that walk somemore around Ehub then decided to go to the Beach (: took some photos and blah slacked? Lols. then went home. OMG.. i got freakd out on the way to the Bus stop la! Stupid Larry KHoo go tell us got what haunted house all that shit then got taxi driver see people that are not actually there then i was like holding on the chinghan then he came behind us and "BAH!" omg.. we screamed la! Lols. XD so walked to the bus stop and bus-ed to interchange. Then took 88 back with Larry (: Wahhh on the bus he was looking through photos on my phone and Itouch so many insults sia. Tsktsk. Anyways.. i took the rest of the ride home. Damn long i tell you. And finally i am home going to write my LOVE LETTER (: HAHA! yes! just a few more hours till i actually see them! I really can't wait to see them LIVE man. Goshh. (: hehehe.

Minhwan shi,Jonghun shi,Hongki shi,Seunghyun shi,Jaejing shi HWAITING!!! hehe (:

[Why does the feeling come back everytime? Everytime i see you it comes back. Why? No matter how many years past it still does. Gosh..]

Well.. imma finish off that love letter and ZZZZ and LALLALAL!!! meeting the cousins at 8:20 am tml at serangoon! hehehe. i serisouly cant wait man. WOOHOO!! all i pray for now is that the line won't be that long when i get there.. (: Please Lord? *pray*

Well signing off now!



10:04 PM

Thursday, June 25, 2009
♥; FTI&&Night Safari

Alright that's a picture taken with Nicole yesterday at a Korean restaurant for my mum's birthday dinner (: Uh huh. food was GOOD (: Esp the cake man. Goshh.. .Ahyee Gina's cakes are the BEST!! ICHIBAN!! haha. And so.. what happened today? Well all i did was study? Hehehe. i managed to finish on maths paper and read ABIT for TKAM. Gosh i hate that book. How do you expect me to read the SECOND half of the book when i only read the FIRST two pages of the WHOLE book? Lols. And can you belive i still managed to get an A? MUHAHAHHA. anyways.. had Dinner with the family! At Jumbo? Uh huh i think so. Gosh cousins and i went crazy once again kept shouting "OMG!!! 15 more mins 15!!!" You know to what? Till FT island come out of the airport. HAHA. We didn't go cause parents didn't allow.. ): sad neh? Anyways will be seeing them on saturday^^ hope we get as close as possible! cause i really want to see them up close(: okay anyways... shopping tml morn with chinghan! then its class reunion at kovan going to... ehhhh Ehub? woah its been AGES since we all met up. YAY!!!! hehe. I cant wait man!! ARGH! Actually i cant wait for saturday. SERIOUSLY. Idk why.. i just can't. HEHE. actually i do have reasons.. one cause i want to see MINHWAN AND JONGHUN!!! Two cause its Jie Shu's 21st bday! I bet it'll be a blast!! Its freakingly as night safari dude!! and the BOOKED THE WHOLE TRAM!!! and even though its NIGHT SAFARI we have to wear FORMAL!! haha. Ironic har? anyways thats the dress code. So i have a feeling we'll be DAM high esp since we just came back from the showcase. Haha. (: Well down and out now!


10:44 PM

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
♥; I love you

So its officialy 24o6o9! Goshh.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY BELOVED MOTHER!!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy bithday to you!
Love you mum (: Thanks for always being there for me and bringing me into this world. I LOVE YOU! Yes *nods nods* Lets enjoy korean food tonight kay? YAY!!

Next up! The beloved Thai prince (: Hehe. HAPPY BDAY KHUNNIE! just like what i always said in my previous blog.. you will never see this but HECK. lols. happy bday to you (:
happy birthday to you!
happy birthday to you!
happy birthday to KHUNNIEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
happy birthday to you!
Oh yea.. *gasp* 21 alrdy neh? hahaa. ADULT gosh.. but you don't loook 21 (: Young at heart. HAHA. anways i love you oppa! Oh yeah (:

Something i did for my couzin oh NICOLE. haha. isn't it pretty? lmao. XD

One last wish.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA! yea (:
HAPPY birthday to you!
happy birthday to you!
happy birthday to you!
Alright so imma study with Sherine later on! and do our eng project also. Haizz. than at night there's gonna be a korean dinner with family! YES! KOREAN FOOD!! BOOYAH! haha. *licks lips* gosh.. hungry alrdy. HAHA XD


10:32 AM

♥; Mummy/Khunnie/Granny

Hi world (:

Its like 12am right now. So its 24.06.09!! Its my mother/Khunnie and granny's bday!! Gosh XD so many impt ppl hha! anyways i was like playing with Picnik today and made awesome photossss whahahaha XD check out that one on top ^^ its MINHWAN from FTI. edited by yours truly. lols. ONE MORE PERSON WHO SAYS HE LOOKS LIKE A GIRL IMMA BASH YOU UP I TELL YOU!! Anyways.. i tried doing for mum and khun butttt stupid picnik died on me so dled GIMP but idk how to use it :O yet. haha XD well i shall do a proper bday wish to them TML. when i'm not so tired. HAHHA XD OHHHH went to watch ghost of gf's past or whatever you called it with mum and andie.. was okay i guess? kinda stupid though. lmao XD

A pic i edited for a friend (:

Check out this vid of 2PM.. BWHAHAHAHA lol-ed my ass off like shit! lols. anyways.. bye world!



12:03 AM

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
♥; Realization

Hey world!

Its tuesday now. *Sighs* its like only 5 more days till the end of holidays. WHy does the time pass so fast? Anyways,its only 3 more days till i get to see Minhwannnnnnn (: HAHA. Yes dudes i am an obssesed fan. Heck. Haha. Just ytd cousin nicole sms'ed me and we both went mad. Cause i told her that Min might throw his drumsticks into the audience. Then we both went mad saying we MUST get those sticks. Haha. anyways.. today i don't think imma do much. Prob work? idk but i better get it done with. if not imma die. Might be watching a movie with my family later. YAY! And omg! i want to watch DRAG ME TO HELLLLLLLL might be watching with esmer and lyd on thurday! YAY!! haha XD and OH transformers coming out tml as well! haha. and zzz i still havent watched dance subaru. STudpid. Oh btw.. that photo ^ was taken in a Coach store in the airport. Just before we went on the plane. Haha. Andddd.. so i have loads of pics to show you guys but.. their all real big so im kind of lazy right now to make them smaller. HAHA XD. So errr.. soon? hehe. Well thats it i guess. Hehe (: Ohh ytd at Tkd we freakingly ran 5km. Okay maybe not the FULL 5km but at least ran continuously for 3? hehe. not bad right? somemore never train 2 weeks leh! haha. WAHHH i FINALLY got my green tip belt after sooooooo long. Do i have a video to recommened today? OH YES I DO!!! HAHAHHA. don't worry.. its english. HAHA. OHOHOH and i actually found out ytd that one of my classmates like Kpop too!! i was like OMGGGGG you like also?! goshhh. haha. and she likes JAEEEEEEjooong! hehe (: pls la who doesnt right? haha. anyways.. check it out!

Condessions Part 3!-Usher/Weird Al.

Damn funny WATCH!

Peace out!


9:27 AM

Monday, June 22, 2009
♥; Happy Birthday

This was taken in Tokyo Disneyland (:

Anyways.. now i'm off to Taekwondo! Going to meet esmer at serangoon mrt and then slack a while? Idk. Haha. i knwo i miss her!! Yes girl i do. Lmao. ANDDDD!!
Happy birthday Lyida!! Hehe. Its been great having you as a friend! Stay you! and always do your best kays? All the best for you future!! hehe ^^

Ohhh Ps.. Happy birthday to Ryeowook! Bwahhaha. From suju. yeshhh goshhh.. im off now! Post more later? Pshh.. maybe? Hehe (:



6:51 PM


From Left to right, Onew, Taemin, Jonghyun, Minho and KEY <3

Sorry doing some promo right now. MUHAHAHA. anyways..

Demand SHINee in Singapore!
SHINee in Singapore - Learn more about this Eventful Demand

View all Singapore events on Eventful

Go demand lehh.. Pls? make my dream come true (: MUAHHAH!

From left to right, MINHWAN <3, Hongki, Seunghyun, Jongun and Jaejin.

I'm going to their concert this Saturday.. okay not concert.. Showcase but pshh same. Haha (:


11:54 AM

Friday, June 19, 2009
♥; Memories
Woah! I'm back! Haha. Japan was GREAT! Gosh.. family is love (: hehe. Really had fun joking, eating and SHOPPING with them! hehe ^^ the best ever. Daddy's back in aussie alrdy though.. dayumm anyways will post pics of the trip once my sister uploads them! took LOADS! haha. serisouly. Many videos too! so wanna show you guys one video where we were on the rollercoaster! haha. damn fun! my dad held he camera up in the air well video taping us on the coaster. siao right? haha. anyways it happened. Well now i am QUARANTINED... gahh.. first day today i guess? haiz.. I CANT GO FOR MY TEAMS LAST GAMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE... stupid. Has its bad and good points i guess. BAD cause i dont get to see my teammates ): I MISS YOU GIRLS! good cause i dont have to see HER face and dont need to be pressured esp since i never practiced shooting at all. HAHA! so yupp yupp. Well i shall end here for now! lala. got to get back to books now. sian..

Here's a video of two guys, yes Korean! haha. but their NOT exactly famous? Just well known on youtube. haa. They have reallllll talent man. Recomposed korean songs some english as well. I LIKE THE DRUMMER!!! <3 hehe ^^ MUST WATCH OKAY!! Its again and again as well as I HATE YOU! my fav song... by 2pm (:

2PM-Again&Again and I hate you

Peace! Love!


3:23 PM

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
♥; Mirotic

I love you;there's nothing that could change that.

Wow! In only about.. 10? more hours till i'm off to Japan! It really excites me! hehe ^^ Goshh.. I have to get a move on on my Hmk though. If not when i'm back i'll just die! i cant believe the second week of hols is going to be over.. i dont feel like im on a holiday at all ya know! haah. Anyways... when i'm back one last game for the month and BREAK! NO trng for that last week ^^ Yipee day do da! hehe. Well nothing much for now! This MAY be my last post till next week! So till then.. Bon voyage ppl! (: I love you guys!
Check this vid out! Its HOT!! DBSK is LOVEE!! Look at the body yo!! LISTEN TO THEIR VOICES!! Talented people! (:



9:05 AM

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
♥; You are good

Indeed you are good.

Wow. I didn't think it would come to this. I love you guys (: Yay! Mummy's here now. I really can't wait for Japan to come! We'll be staying in a 5 star hotel for the first two nights siols! hehe (: I love my family. I'll really miss you guys here though i'll be back! hehe. I can't wait to be with my WHOLE family! All 5 of us crazy people! Yes i love my family! I think we're one of the CRAZIEST familes around! hehe (: And we finally can have more family pictures! And i can beutify my blog with it (: hehe! I love my blog now! hehe. ain't it preety? *nods nods* hehe (: well thats it!

Labels: ,

11:35 PM

♥; Blessed

I'll go anywhere for you babe.


So just came back from training and I guess it wasn't that bad la hor? Ran "2.4km" in 12:53 mins! Yay (: Then after that did our conditioning, sit ups blahblahblah all the normal routines. Slacked abit drinking water then headed back to court for pair ball and team ball drills. When Coach came we did some high pass thingy and goshhh was it tiring! Then she go say that the things on the floor very dangerous~Some guys taped some string(?) on to the floor~true la so we go ask the dudes whether can tape it down. HAHA! In the end they took it off! Sorry guys XD. Alright then moved on to centre pass defence. Wahh super tiring i tell you. Anyways after that finsihed lohh nothing much bah. I guess? haha XD Wasn't feeling exactly ESTATIC today why? Haiz.. so much things la. The only thing that keeps me going is JAPAN! Haha (:
I though you were one of my closest friends? Don't think idk about what your talking behind my back. Or is it just me being OVERLY-SENSITIVE? But idk.. I sense that difference in you. You've become someone that i find pretty hard to understand right now. It seems as if you've totally changed. I know what your saying with ~her~ i can pretty much tell. ALl the little whispers and body language you give one another. But i guess that's how life goes right? But its not exactly the first time its happenning. I hope it ends soon cause idk if i can take it.
Anyways.. Thank God for blessing me with so much to cover up the black skies in life. Japan in less then 24 hours now! YAY! And mummy's coming in a few as well ^^ I'm too blessed to be stressed ^^.
Well that's all babes&dudes! I love you guys! (:

Kris Allen-No boundaries

Adam Lambert-No Boundaries

Indeed there are no boundaries in life that you cannot overcome to achive your dreams.


8:09 PM

♥; Thank God

[Thank God for blessing me with such a team that brings me courage to keep on in the game.]

Sometimes i wonder if life was really what it seems to be. It may be something you see on the exterior but whats really going on in the inside? Sometimes it may be the best of times sometimes it the worst. But thats how life really is right? Right now i'm feeling uptop of the world! In about one more day i'll be saying Bon vayage to this SG city and off to Japan for a week ^^ But dayummm heard its preety hot there right now! Maybe even hotter than here! Gosh. Imma just die XD Well there's trng ytd and mummy's coming back here as well! Yay! I can finally see her after our March Holidays. Woah.. thats hecka long. Anyways.. I really thank God for what he has done for me. Who would have thought one of my wishes to come true. Thank God for such beloved parents. Okay i have nothing much to blog now ^^ Hehe.

Check out this vid! Its one of my hubbies~Nichkhun Horvejkul from 2PM and this real adorable small boy doing heck cute expressions!

Check this one out too! 10 Points by 2PM. Heck i love the dance to bits! (:


11:57 AM

Monday, June 8, 2009
♥; Japan! <3
Gosh! It's finally done! After idk how long i finally managed to put this blog up ^^ Me like it! hehe. Okay so i'll try my best to post everyday aight? Yes the other blogs used for other things now. hehe ^^ Anyways..
Woke up at like 8am but fell back asleep until 8:45am where i HAD to wake up cause i had tuition. Had science tuition and after that got ready to go to school. In school today had modular workshop. HEY! It wasn't as bad as i thought it would be haha! The guy was pretty a good speaker. Learnt alot man. Seriously. I would tell you what but i'm kind of lazy and tired to do so right now. Like come on! It's freaking 1:22am right now. Yes *nods nods*. So after that at about 5:30pm had to go for training. Saw the others were playing game but CS made me shoot DX *Gag* But it ended fast so. Good ^^. After traning esmer and I bus-ed down to Tkd and BHCC. Ran 2.4km and GOSH! The funniest thing happened...
Esmer,Me&Lyd: *Laugh, walk walk*
Lydia: SIR LEE!!
*All 3 start running down madly*
Esmer: Are you serious?! *Laugh laugh run run*
Me: *Looks back* YA! *laugh laugh run run*
--reached back--
Esmer: OMG! It wasn't him!!
All: ROFLMAO! >.< ` It was hilarious i tell you. haha. seirously. okay so after that i cab-ed home. Couldn't take it... knee ache like shit and also other places to unbefitting to mention. haha! Well i've got trng again tml afternoon but Thank God its my last till i come back from.... JAPAN! Yep that's where i'll be going for the hols. Really appreciate it. Why?

First, its a country i've always wanted to go to though Korea's first.

Second, its a family trip of all 5 of us since 2005!

Third, DBSK's there! but but but but in Osaka D: so pray Mum and dad bring us there (:

so yup thats the highlight of the week! tell you guys more later la. lazy now ^^ hehe (: Want me to link ya? Just leave a tagggg! (:


1:25 AM

♥F A T E



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[Name is Naomi.]
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SHINee Photobook: Day&&Night :D
Excel in Studies&CCA
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Live Concerts:
♥FT Island
♥Big Bang빅뱅
♥2NE1투 애니원
♥Wonder Girls원더걸스

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